Get to know Monique
With experience in having her own business for 9 years and being a caregiver for over 25 years she knows all about having organization systems in place, prioritizing her time, running a business, setting up accounting programs, data entry, balancing the books and providing financial reports. While running a business, her time needed to be managed wisely, as she was caregiver to a sibling with developmental delay, wanting to live as independently as possible. Her skill and talent is focused in being organized with simplified systems as a Bookkeeper for Small Business Owners and Developing Personalized Structure to caregiving environments. Staying Organized is Key!
Monique grew up with a sibling being assessed with developmental delay early in life. She became a care provider over 25 years ago. Through taking on this responsibility she became aware of the complexities, frustrations and challenges someone with disabilities needed to face every day while trying to maintain independence and being involved in the community.
Monique recognized that supporting her sibling was more than finding him a space to call home, learning to maintain it, holding on to a part time job, working with others and dealing with various environments with the coming and going of multiple support workers. It was challenging, for her sibling emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially etc. and add into it the stress, and anxiety it caused.
Keeping her sibling safe, comfortable and healthy and as independent as possible was the plan, and to reach her sibling’s personal dreams and goals was difficult at times. With the support of agency staff, family support and caregivers, her sibling has able to accomplish more than imagined and was very much involved in the community by determination and motivation to reach high.
In the past years, Monique and two other siblings have become guardians to their sibling due to health changes, and care needs. A diagnosis of Dementia was added to the mix of care, so changes were needed for day-to-day care and support. They decided together with the sibling’s involvement to move to (FMS/ PDD) Family Managed Services and (SMC/ AHS) Self-Managed Care and hire their own staff to meet the necessary day-to-day needs for their sibling to continue living in his own home. Monique is now registered as the Fund Administrator for both programs and managing all the necessary paperwork to retain funding for care of her sibling. The move has been so positive for the sibling’s emotional, mental and physical health and caregivers they’ve hired are absolutely amazing.
The changeover has enabled Monique to develop simplified and organized systems to manage her time more efficiently for the setting up of Bookkeeping processes and building up Structured Care Environments for the individual in care, family supports and caregivers.
Monique likes to get the business owner, individual, caregiver and family supports involved in what changes, updates, and adaptations are necessary to them for day to day function, setting up a system that removes overwhelming stress and burnout. A system that provides easy hands on accessibility to important paperwork, and monthly reporting on a continuous basis. With organized filing systems, schedules in place for staff coverage, automatic bill withdrawals, checklists and focused processes and procedures available it makes changeover more manageable with easier transition for everyone involved.
Benefit of our services, provides more time and focus for your business development or on your own self-care as being the caregiver. Consultations are available to review present challenges, problem solve specific situations or circumstances together as a team. There are many unserved or under supported individuals and we want you to know, you’re not alone! Specific projects, of needs, goals and wants can be delegated to us to assist you.